2014-09-04 6:36 PM
I'm finding that the L6474 runs terribly hot even at 1.4 amps . Its on a decent PCB with 20 plates thru tholes a small heatsink (1'' x 1'') on the back and it will rise to 110 C in less than 2 minutes . It is the power36 package too. My PS voltage is 42 volts.
My charge pump voltage is about 8 volts. And it doesn't matter much whether i power the logic externally with a 3.3 volt regulator or not. I've put a lot of effort into designing this small controller , but at this rate i may have to move to a better chip. I've used the L6207 in the past and it ran very cool at 2amps/phase and 45 volts. It was the larger 24 powerDip Why would ST make this chip so small and have mosfets with a high on resistance ? A larger chip would have been alot better. I can't even imagine using the L6474H with the tiny TSSOP package. If ST made this chip in a much larger package with wider pin spacing , i'm sure customers. would be happier. The motor a chip rated at 3 amps and 45 volts is quite big. Why does the chip have to be microscopic ?2014-09-22 2:10 AM
Can you share the L6474 configuration? the L6474 should be better than the L6207 cause the lower RdsON. The package in this case in unimportant (if the board layout is the same). Enrico2014-10-06 8:11 PM
>>Can you share the L6474 configuration?
I haven't change the configuration. Its the default power up. All I program is the current and the step resolution. >>The package in this case in unimportant (if the board layout is the same). The L6474 board layout is different because the L6207 used a larger power 24 dip and the L6207 didn't need a processor to program it on powerup, so the boards are totaly different . The L6207 ran almost cold with the same type of heatsinking.2014-10-15 4:12 AM
the default configuration could cause high switching frequency and as a consequence strong dissipation. Try the following configuration: TON_MIN = 4 us TOFF_MIN = 21 us TOFF_FAST = 10 us FAST_STEP = 16 us TSW = 44 us regards Enrico