2010-08-18 6:27 AM
Hi all
I just wanted to flag a problem with the Rflasher and ST visual programmer regarding the chip ST72F521M9
Rkit STM8 for ride 7
Ride 7 patch
=> The option byte calculated via those software are WRONG!
I figured out that by entering manually the hexadecimal option byte everything works eg:''27 87''
Hopefully this will be taken into account for the next release of the software...
Thanks for your time
Best regards
2010-09-03 1:48 AM
For Rflasher soft, it's Raisonance. Which version of STVP ? Download and install the latest, you have to choose ST72F521x9 on STVP and TQFP80 is the default package. The error is on which bit(s)? On Package bits? Rgds, Laurent