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wm-sg-sm-42: too much slow reading downlink messages on serial port

Associate II
There is someone that can help me with this issue ?
I updated the firmware correctly to the latest version: sm42_monolithix_v4.0.1.hex
I'm connecting via OTAA to TTN and it works fine.
For the first message I have a few seconds from uplink message and downlink message.
For the second message I have a few minutes (always 2 minutes and 12 seconds) from uplink message and downlink message.
Can I speed up the read of the downlink messages ?
Below there are the log of the serial command read:
Sending request: AT+JOIN=1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:39.911145
Received response: '# OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:39.971146
Received response: '# +JoinAccepted' at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.325081
Transitioning from AT_JOIN to AT_SENDB1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.325166
Sending request: AT+SEND=2,50494E4731,1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.325312
Received response: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.365047
Transitioning from AT_SENDB1 to WAIT1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.365111
Sending request: AT+STAT at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.365143
Received response: '# +STAT=1,0,1,0,0,0,0,0,0' at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.373067
Received: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:48.373221
Received: '# +RCV=14,12,E79E39DFDE1FE76EDAE3DEFC' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.941175

Transitioning from WAIT1 to AT_SENDB2 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.941251
Sending request: AT+SEND=2,50494E4732,1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.941320
Received response: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975199
Transitioning from AT_SENDB2 to WAIT2 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975306
Sending request: AT+STAT at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975347
Received response: '# +STAT=2,0,2,0,0,217,8,1,1' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.987187
Received: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.988255
Received: '# +RCV=14,12,E79E39DFDE1FE76EDAE3DEFD' at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.857554

Transitioning from WAIT2 to AT_SENDB3 at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.857626
Sending request: AT+SEND=2,50494E4733,1 at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.857685
Received response: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.891495
Transitioning from AT_SENDB3 to WAIT3 at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.891555
Sending request: AT+STAT at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.891583
Received response: '# +STAT=3,0,3,0,0,223,6,2,2' at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.903591
Received: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.904522
Received: '# +RCV=14,12,E79E39DFDE1FE76EDAE3DEDA' at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.075649

Transitioning from WAIT3 to AT_SENDB4 at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.075707
Sending request: AT+SEND=2,50494E4734,1 at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.075777
Received response: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.108809
Transitioning from AT_SENDB4 to WAIT4 at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.108959
Sending request: AT+STAT at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.109064
Received response: '# +STAT=4,0,4,0,0,217,7,3,3' at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.121105
Received: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:52:20.121622
Received: '# +RCV=14,12,E79E39DFDE1FE76EDAE3DDF4' at 2025-01-27 15:54:31.991944

Transitioning from WAIT4 to END at 2025-01-27 15:54:31.992002
State machine finished.
Thanks in advance for your support.

That's the USI module on the old, obsolete I-Nucleo-LRWAN1, isn't it?

You'd have to go to USI for support with that - it's their module, and their firmware ...


Does the TTN console give any indication whether the delays are in TTN, or in the module?

Also, have you asked on TTN's forum?

The board is board I-Nucleo-LRWAN2:

The delay is on the radio module, not on TTN.


That's P-Nucleo-LRWAN2 - which is a Pack containing a gateway and an I-Nucleo-LRWAN1.


@marcoratto wrote:

The delay is on the radio module, not on TTN.

How do you know that?

"On the sensor-node side, the NUCLEO-L073RZ, based on an ultra-low-power STM32L0 Arm® 32-bit microcontroller, controls a USI® I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 ARDUINO® expansion board used as a sensor node.

The I-NUCLEO-LRWAN1 end-node is an ARDUINO® compatible expansion board. This board is designed by USI® around a LoRa® module powered by an STM32L05 device hosting a friendly AT command stack."

You might be able to port firmware on to this platform, but it's quite old, and I doubt USI is actively supporting it.

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On the log of TTN and on the log of the device:

I execute the AT command "AT+STAT" and report the counter updated with the new messages but the event +RCV arrives 2 minutes after.

Transitioning from WAIT1 to AT_SENDB2 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.941251
Sending request: AT+SEND=2,50494E4732,1 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.941320
Received response: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975199
Transitioning from AT_SENDB2 to WAIT2 at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975306
Sending request: AT+STAT at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.975347
Received response: '# +STAT=2,0,2,0,0,217,8,1,1' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.987187
Received: 'OK' at 2025-01-27 15:47:55.988255
Received: '# +RCV=14,12,E79E39DFDE1FE76EDAE3DEFD' at 2025-01-27 15:50:07.857554

@Tesla DeLorean wrote:

I doubt USI is actively supporting it.

USI's support could hardly be described as "active"  even when this board was current ...


@marcoratto Here's a contemporary thread:

It seems that the USI GitHub no longer exists, neither does their web page.



USI website is now here: - no search hits for wm-sg-sm-42 (with or without the hyphens)

I asked to USI to restore the github repository:

Sure, the USI firmware was read-protected, I recollect my FAE just reprogramming it, as did I, but the implementation was generally less capable than the LRWAN-DISCO board, other than all the sensors attached to this one.

They had a GitHub or notes related to the modifications to the LRWAN 1.x.x libraries, and I recall making a pin list for the internal MCU and SX1272 from the schematic

Tips, Buy me a coffee, or three.. PayPal Venmo
Up vote any posts that you find helpful, it shows what's working..

Great - if you're in contact with USI, that's the place to get support.

Good luck!