2004-08-20 12:26 AM
What tools are required for primary boot loader
2004-07-30 9:21 AM
I am attempting to build the primary boot loader from the source downloaded from this site. It appears to be Microsoft, but none of the tools that I currently have will work.
Could someone let me know what I need? Thanks, haroldp2004-08-06 11:12 AM
This is answering my own post.
Upon further reading, I noticed that the doc identified masm v6.11 as the tool of choice. I dug it up off an old Microsoft Developers Network cd and was able to get it to assemble. I had tried older and new versions without success.2004-08-20 12:26 AM
I have tested the masm6.11 toolset for the boot loader and all works fine.
I will sed to you the zipped file of all the structure. You have just to unzip under the same directory the primary loader files and then run NMAKE. you will have as output a list of file (.rom) to be burned on a flash.