2005-08-12 5:56 AM
2011-05-17 3:06 AM
I am working with uPSD32xx (5V model) and I plan to migrate to uPSD33xx but I have a problem:
5V supply is only for PSD, microcontroller work with 3.3V, is true ? If yes, I must work with microcontroller bus at 3.3V and external peripheral chip select from port B at 5V ? Demo board DK3300-ELCD work with PSD3.3V or PSD 5V? thanks for help2011-05-17 3:06 AM
Yes, uPSD core is 3.3 V
If you work with external peripheral port at 5V you have to route the pin of the bus on a PSD port and to adapt the level of rd/ an wr/. The second solution is to find a componant to adapt the 3.3V bus to 5V Demo board DK3300 work with 3.3V for MCU