2008-08-13 9:17 PM
2011-05-17 12:54 AM
I am using Timer0 to overflow and interrupt every 10ms,
and toggling a port in the Interrupt (and clearing flag). I am using the 25 MHz oscillator as the main clock, and the APB clock is set to 25 MHz / 4 = 6.25 MHz. I can achieve a timing of 10.00 ms with the following:Code:
TIM_InitStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 25 - 1; // 6.25 mhz / 25 = 250 khz = 4 us period TIM_InitStructure.TIM_Full_Period = 2500 - 1; // 4 us * 2500 = 10ms However I get a timing of 10.14 ms with the following:Code:
TIM_InitStructure.TIM_Prescaler = 250 - 1; // 6.25 mhz / 250 = 25 khz = 40 us period TIM_InitStructure.TIM_Full_Period = 250 - 1; // 40 us * 250 = 10 ms Please could someone explain why I get a discrepancy of 0.14 milliseconds with the second configuration? I am using STR912FW44X6 with no other peripherals on. Thanks, Paul.2011-05-17 12:54 AM
This forum seems quiet.
The discrepancy occurs because the counter resets to 0xFFFC, rather than the assumed 0x0000, giving an extra four ticks. In the first instance this causes an undetected 16us. In the second instance this causes a 160us (0.16ms) difference.2011-05-17 12:54 AM
Is it part of normal behavior that timer resets to 0xFFFC or is it a silicon bug? May I ask you what type of tool chain you are using and if you work with floating points (this has nothing to do with your post)? Thank you in advance. Joel2011-05-17 12:54 AM
Well it's intentional, although i've no idea why.
It's documented in the manual (e.g. figure 44). I'm using idealist (with sarm) which is great. I don't use floating point, fixed works fine :)2011-05-17 12:54 AM
Thank you for your feedback, I will be carefull when using Timer (expected soon along my current design).
I also use Idealist which is the only tool chain I was able to use with floating point. With the other GCC tool chain (Yagarto, Crosswork, Ride,...) the result of printf with floating point was not succesfull. It is why I asked you this question. Regards, Joel2011-05-17 12:54 AM
Hello chifoukalou and all,
I wanted just to clarify that the reset value 0xFFFC of the timer counter is not a bug. However, it represents the spec of the STR9 TIM and it is well detailed in the reference manual to do not make confusion for our customer. Best regards, mirou.