2012-06-21 1:27 AM
We are using STR912FAW44 and keil 3 as IDE. We are using TIM0 in OCM1 mode with OC1 interrupt enabled.We are using a counter inside the interrupt, Interrupt count time is 100 ms, we have to measure 900 seconds, so checking when counter will become 9000. If we clear interrupt status flag at the end of the ISR then no problem, but if interrupt status flag is cleared in the beginning of the ISR, then interrupt time becomes exactly half, means counter reaches 9000 value in approx 4500 seconds. Any idea regarding this.???2012-06-21 9:45 PM
2012-06-27 2:28 AM
2012-06-27 5:31 AM
we may not have a similar function as yours. we clear our ocf always at the end of the timer interrupt handler function.
sorry i dont see your source code so we can only answer in general. we follow AN2593 Str91x interrupt management.pdf.your problem is similar to that of the interrupt triggered twice, mentioned in the other discussion. do you manually re-enable the I-bit? such as for nested interrupt? i have found one possible similar issue regarding this case:http://infocenter.arm.com/help/index.jsp?topic=/com.arm.doc.faqs/3682.html