2005-12-28 8:26 AM
2005-12-27 5:25 PM
I have problems getting any script including an If or While statement to work from the debug console in STVD7. The gdb7.exe application seems to crash after I enter something like:
(gdb) -->set $test=1 -->while ($test != 1) > after the second line of the script. This occurs even if I try to enter END to end the script and the gdb while cursor (>) disappears. I receive an error sound but no error message or log file. The application stops responding at that point until I manually kill gdb7. I am running the STVD7 Version 3.2.1 with connection to an EMU2B(HDS2) emulator and ST72T141K2 target. I have tried to connect to the ST7 simulator and see the same exact problem. I have also tried to reload the ST7 toolset from my CD in order to replace gdb7.exe, but this did not fix it. Getting the If statement to work with our gdb scripts is crucial to my project, so I would appreciate any insight you may have on this issue. Sincerely, fccdcu2005-12-28 8:26 AM
Here is an update after some further investigation of the STVD7 if/while problem:
If I run gdb7.exe from a command window outside of STVD7 as a stand-alone application and connect to my target, my scripts which include ''if'' statements will run normally without error. This leads me to believe that the problem with handling if/while statements within gdb scripts is isolated to the STVD7 application. Here are the specifics related to the STVD7 application which appears to have this bug: STVD7 Version 3.2.1 MainFrame Version - Build Jun 21 2005 stvabbld.dll, Version: stv7abbld.dll, Version: STVD_TxtEditor.dll, Version: gdb 4.17, ST7 v3.7.6 (May 23 2005) configured as ''--host=i386-unknown-windows --target=st7''. ST7 HDS emulator st72141 Version 4.0.6 GDI Revision 126 Monitor Revision 1.2 My Windows environment is: Windows XP Professional Version 2002 SP2 Please use this information to document this problem. I plan on using gdb7 as a standalone until this problem is addressed and STVD7 becomes more of a viable application for advanced debugging scripts.