2006-12-19 4:56 AM
2006-12-11 8:46 PM
Hi all
I'm trying to use the STR75x SystemMemroy Boot. But It doesn't work. I changed the options on my MB469 board(ST) according to the ''AN2430 Manual''. But There is no answer when I Transmit a 0xFF,0x01 data through the UART0. Only LD4,LD5 LEDs flicker after reset. I think there is no proper system code. Could anyone help me? Thanks :D2006-12-12 5:14 AM
This is not the bootloarder. This is a simple code toogling the LD4 & LD5. The chip soldered on the board is an early version of silicon that does not contain the bootloader. You have to contact ST Sales to get the new samples shipped from the begining of September when the STR750 product is launched and try to rework the chip in your board. Please have a look on the attached A.N, that answers and gives a proposal to this request. It is already available on the web side. With Regards, kaouther. ________________ Attachments : AN2430.pdf : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006HtRX&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000aQ7%2FET_.ixaIqQ2ZzO5dQgdxx3iS4P.4Lm5o4SRYrmvqkEY&asPdf=false2006-12-13 12:08 PM
Thanks for the answer.
regards Lloyd :-]2006-12-19 4:56 AM
I'm designing a board using the STR735. Can the part be programmed using the user mode via the jtag (m0=m1=ground) in production? or is the System Memory boot mode required?