2006-04-29 10:32 PM
2006-04-27 4:38 AM
I'm using STR711-SK board, connected via ULINK. I use code from example for setting baudrate 9600. But I get baudrate 2400. Here is my code, please advice where the problem can be. Thanks. GPIO_Config(GPIO0, UART0_Tx_Pin, GPIO_AF_PP); GPIO_Config(GPIO0, UART0_Rx_Pin, GPIO_IN_TRI_CMOS); UART_Init(UART0); UART_OnOffConfig(UART0, ENABLE); UART_FifoConfig (UART0, DISABLE); UART_FifoReset (UART0 , UART_RxFIFO); UART_FifoReset (UART0 , UART_TxFIFO); UART_LoopBackConfig(UART0 , DISABLE); UART_Config(UART0,9600,UART_NO_PARITY,UART_1_StopBits,UARTM_8D); UART_RxConfig(UART0 ,ENABLE); EIC_IRQChannelPriorityConfig(UART0_IRQChannel, 1); EIC_IRQChannelConfig(UART0_IRQChannel, ENABLE); EIC_IRQConfig(ENABLE); UART_ItConfig(UART0,UART_RxBufFull, ENABLE); UART_ByteSend(UART0, ''d'');2006-04-27 4:59 AM
I have changed it already to 4000000, but if I play with this value I see no changes. More ideas?
2006-04-28 10:28 AM
Hi, thanks for reply.
I haven't changed the clock configuration. It is default after reset. Just as in example ''UART'' from ST. Code that you see thats all.2006-04-29 10:32 PM
I have recompiled the library from source. Now all working fine.