2006-11-22 8:32 AM
Stick Low Cost Programmer Power Supply
2006-11-22 12:08 AM
Hello All,
I've just started using the ST7FLITE19 and I am using the ST7-STICK/UK Low Cost ICP. The company I have joined no longer have the original Power supply for the device and I can't work out what voltage power supply to use. There's no datasheet available so I can't see what it ought to be. Please does anyone know what it ought to be (or have the time to put a meter across the terminals. Here's hopefully... G.2006-11-22 12:39 AM
You need DC power supply 12V/200mA, with plus inside/ negative outside. Regards Andrzej2006-11-22 12:41 AM
Thanks!2006-11-22 8:32 AM
The supply does say 12v but it is unregulated, infact very unregulated. between 13-20v has been measured unconnected.
I would supply a least 13v to the stick programmer, you may drive the opamp on the prgrammmer a bit hard with just 12v connected. This is used to create the HDFlash programming voltage. Regards sjo