2003-04-04 2:32 AM
2003-04-01 8:30 PM
I'm trying to program a s19 file into a ST7lite29 with a stick. The program seems to be in the chip (verifies OK). But it won't run after disconnecting the stick. I'm sure the program itself is ok. I think the clock is the problem. I use the internal RC clock. I've tried a lot of things, but no one helped. Has anybody an idea? Thanks, Johan.[ This message was edited by: joble on 04-04-2003 10:50 ]2003-04-03 9:22 PM
Try to do a reset after disconnecting the STICK. Try to modify the code with something simple (output the clock on MCO pin for instance) to see if it works or not.
2003-04-03 10:09 PM
Ok, a simple program, which only makes all outputpins hi, seems to run on the st7. A breaktrough But my next question... Why does my program runs fine on the EMU3 emulator and does not after programming into the ST7. It's a program with 3 PWM's running simultanously. The duty cycle is modified by the main program. It's a C program compiled with cosmic. I'll try to experiment with the program by taking away parts of the code, and hope to find the problem this way... Johan. [ This message was edited by: joble on 04-04-2003 11:40 ]2003-04-03 11:53 PM
Hello again,
Again a little bit closer to the solution... The only outputs are 3 PWM signals. And for a reason the PWM doesn't work. So nothing happened after starting the program. Any idea's whats wrong??? This is a part of the C source code init: ----- DCR0L=0x00; //PWM0 DCR1H=0x00; //PWM1 DCR1L=0x00; //PWM1 DCR2H=0x00; //PWM2 DCR2L=0x00; //PWM2*/ PADDR=0x1F; // Define PA0 A4 as output PAOR=0x1F; // and push pull PBDDR=0x0F; // Define PB0 B2 as input PBOR=0x0F; // TRANCR=0x00; // ATCSR=0x18; ATRH=0x00; //Frequentie ATRL=0x00; //Frequentie PWMCR=0x55; //All PWM's on later on in the program: ------------------------------ DCR0H=0x0f; //PWM0 DCR0L=0xff; //PWM0 DCR1H=0x0b; //PWM1 DCR1L=0xff, //PWM1 DCR2H=0x04; //PWM2 DCR2L=0xff; //PWM2 TRANCR=0x01; Johan.2003-04-04 2:32 AM
Problem is solved!
The clock of the timer was chosen 32MHz. On the EMU3, this was no problem. In the ST7 itselves, this clock should be chosen fcpu. Johan