2003-09-09 9:16 PM
2003-09-09 4:17 AM
Just downloaded the ST7 Lite0 exercises from the ST site.
In the STFLite0.asm the following appears:- ;************************************************ segment byte at 80-FF 'ram0' ;Zero Page ;************************************************ ;************************************************ segment byte at 80-FF 'stack' ;************************************************ But the data sheet shows the Ram at 80 – BF and the Stack at C0 – FF Which is correct or doesn’t it matter2003-09-09 5:31 AM
You are correct in what the datasheet says, the file stflite0.asm is incorrect.
depending on stack useage and the small amount of ram it would be normal on this device to increase the zero page ram and reduce available stack. Regards sjo2003-09-09 8:43 PM
Could anybody send me a simple flash an LED programme for the ST7Flite09 i.e. a complete set of correct files to get me started.
2003-09-09 9:13 PM
If you are using inDART, you can start with the sample provided with the tool. This example configures the A/D peripheral to convert on A/D channel 3 and displays the results on LEDs Bye Piero2003-09-09 9:16 PM
I have in the InDart STX programmer but not the Eval board, I have an home made Eval board.
Just checked the CD that came with it and it is totally blank, I had to download the Indart software from there website[ This message was edited by: BrianM on 10-09-2003 09:52 ]