2003-11-02 11:36 AM
2003-10-22 3:14 AM
Hi guys,
Have any of you experience with EMC and ST7 microcontrollers? The reason for me asking is that I have several PCBs with ST7 MCUs, which have been mounted close to a 6W 160 MHz radio. The inteference from the radio seems to have altered the EEPROM and the functionality of the MCUs. Any experiences with EMC problems and EEPROMs? Best regards, Ulrich2003-11-02 11:36 AM
Hi Ulrichs,
how are you dealing with your EMC problem ? Is it solved meanwhile or still pending ? I'm asking because I've similar problems, I have lost/changed EEprom values when I switch my inDart board off/on, but this seems to be a problem which only occures in ''C'' written programs. (I'm still investigating) Maybe we can swap experiences ! Sincerely Jens