2009-05-25 9:58 PM
2009-05-25 4:17 AM
Hello, can i execute JMPS command from my BSL in RAM (adr 0xE000) to some routine in flash? for example
JMPS #0, #1000h i tried to do same thing, but routine in flash not executed. Jump to the same routine in RAM worked perfektly. So, can i execute jmp to flash command in standart BSL mode? Thanks2009-05-25 8:52 PM
I think it isn't possible to execute code from the IFlash in BSL mode. For example have a look at the user manual of the ST10F272, chapter 15.2.4, ''Memory configuration in bootstrap loader mode'':
~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Moreover, while in BSL mode, accesses to the internal IFlash area are partly redirected: � All code accesses are made from the special Test-Flash seen in the range 00’0000h to 00’01FFFh � User IFlash is only available for read and write accesses ... Note: As long as ST10F272Z2 is in BSL, user’s software should not try to execute code from the internal IFlash as the fetches are redirected to the Test-Flash.~~~~~~~~~~~~~2009-05-25 9:58 PM
Thanks a lot. I have not notice this important moment.