2007-05-15 2:05 AM
2011-05-17 12:43 AM
The STR91X reference manual, on page 236, states that NSS can be managed by software by programming bits SSM=1 and SSI=0 in the SSP_CR1 register. However, the SSP_CR1 register does not contain these bits. In fact, SSM and SSI are not referenced at all in any other page of the reference manual. I know the STR7 has those bits in SPISCR register... Is this an error in the manual? Can I control NSS manually at all? Furthermore, UM0233 (IAR STR91x library) states on page 171 that the SSP_InitStructure contains a member called 'SSP_NSS', but in the 91x_ssp.h file, 'SSP_NSS' is missing from the structure...! Any ideas? Thanks! :) (FYI, I use SSP0 in SPI mode to connect to a M25P16 serial FLASH with CPHA=1. I need NSS to stay low during the reception of an entire 256-byte page, but it seems the SPI hardware pulls it high between every byte it clocks out). [ This message was edited by: spigeon on 14-05-2007 16:38 ]2011-05-17 12:43 AM
I have exactly the same problem. The datasheet states you can use the the device in slave mode without requiring the use of the NSS pin. However the only way I could get the device to work was by using the NSS pin.
Either the datasheet is wrong, or there is a bug in the hardware. I believe that the SSM=1, SSI=0 is possibly a typo and that SSM is actually the MS bit and SSI is the SOD bit, but I could be wrong Ben2011-05-17 12:43 AM