2007-12-03 4:41 AM
2007-10-29 8:04 PM
Hi all,
I am not having much joy in getting my SPI peripherals to work on an IRQ base. Polling works!!! but I am not finding that it triggers an interrupt when I set the receive interrupt. (BSPI_RcItSrc(BSPIx,BSPI_RC_FNE);) My Init code is as follows. (Using IAR) // ============================================================================= void SPI_Init(char SPI_Channel_No, char SPI_Mode) { BSPI_TypeDef *BSPIx; // Configure GPIO0's pins to perform alternate function, SPIx (Push Pull) switch (SPI_Channel_No) { case 0 : BSPIx = BSPI0; // P0.0 - MISO P0.1 - MOSI P0.2 - CLK P0.3 - SS GPIO_Config(GPIO0,0x000F,GPIO_AF_PP); BSPI_BSPI0Conf(ENABLE); // Enable the BSPI0 interface in PCU_BOOTCR break; case 1 : BSPIx = BSPI1; // P0.4 - MISO P0.5 - MOSI P0.6 - CLK P0.7 - SS GPIO_Config(GPIO0,0x00F0,GPIO_AF_PP); break; } // switch (SPI_Channel_No) BSPI_Init(BSPIx); // Initialize BSPI1 BSPI_ClockDividerConfig(BSPIx,8); // Configure Baud rate Frequency :-->APB1/8 BSPI_Enable(BSPIx,ENABLE); // Enable BSPIx if (SPI_Mode == SPI_MASTER) { BSPI_MasterEnable(BSPIx,ENABLE); // Configure BSPI0 as a Master } // if (SPI_Mode == SPI_MASTER) else { BSPI_MasterEnable(BSPIx,DISABLE); // Configure BSPI0 as a Slave } // else BSPI_ClkActiveHigh(BSPIx,ENABLE); // Configure the clock to be active high BSPI_ClkFEdge(BSPIx,DISABLE); // Enable capturing the first Data sample on the first edge of SCK BSPI_8bLEn(BSPIx,ENABLE); // Set the word length to 16 bit BSPI_RcFifoDepth(BSPIx,10); // Configure the depth of receive up to 10 words BSPI_RcItSrc(BSPIx,BSPI_RC_FNE); // Set RX Interrupt Source } // void SPI_Init(char SPI_Channel_No, char SPI_Mode) Any help would be appreciated!!! Regards, Gizmoinsa :o :o2007-12-03 4:41 AM
Dear gizmoinsa,
Is the EIC already configured ? A helpful basic configuration of BSPI in Master and slave mode is available in the STR71xFWLib V4.0. New example for BSPI using interrupt is added as well. Please download the lasthttp://www.st.com/mcu/download2.php?file=str71xfwlib.zip&info=STR7 Software STR71x&url=http://www.st.com/stonline/products/support/micro/files/str71xfwlib.zip
and refer to readme.txt file for example description.