2008-01-31 9:04 PM
Registers definition files for ST7FOX
2008-01-31 10:29 AM
I have ST7VD 3.5.0 and I try to program an ST7FOX device, but I can't find registers definition files for FOX devices. Project wizzard supports FOX devices, programmer also, but 3.5.0 release of ST7VD doesn't have *.inc and *.asm files (in asm/include folder) for FOX devices. Where can I find this files? Do I have to write this files by myself? Best regards, Radosław Kwiecień2008-01-31 9:04 PM
Hello Radzio,
I think these files are not yet available. Anyway, you can use some LITE products .h and .inc files for the moment as describe below: FOXU0 -> ST7LITEU05 KOXK1/F1 -> ST7LITE49M For the FOXK2 you can use the ST7LITE49M file but you have to add by yourself the register descritpion for the 16bits timer and for the SPI. I hope it will help you. Best Regards, Cheng