2008-03-28 7:43 AM
2011-05-17 2:52 AM
I use a UPSD3354DV-40u6 and have a problem with reading the internal SRAM. After testing several pcb boards the result is that I have boards that read corrupt data from the internal SRAM. After debugging I have seen that a wrong board has a ''bad signal'' at the databus when reading at an adres in SRAM. With ''bad signal'' I mean that it is not a nice ''1'' but a slow rising signal from ''0'' to ''1'' like loading a capacitor. Other external busdrivers can drive the bus and are tri-state at the moment the SRAM is reading. (seen with a scoop that triggerd on the \RD pin an looking at MCUAD0 (multiplexed databus 0)). After some testing the board is working fine and it have a good signal. Please let me know if you have some tips or suggestions to solve this problem. Best regards, André2011-05-17 2:52 AM
Hello all,
The problem is solved. The reasen was that the battery voltage (PC2) was sometime above the Vdd so thhe SRAM goes in protection mode. Best regards, André