2007-05-16 3:27 AM
2007-05-15 9:50 PM
In ST10F27(boot mode) can I read the XFLASH like to read IFLASH?
Thanks2007-05-15 10:23 PM
Hi, i read the IFLASH from start address to end address, when I arrive in 0x90000 Cpu frezee...
I don't have modify SYSCON or other register after boot thanks2007-05-15 10:37 PM
Yes, i can try.
The micro rom code of bsl use the EINT istruction, or I can execute isctuction myself after SXPN set?2007-05-15 11:02 PM
But, can I access trough normal addressing system like the iflash?
whith extp istruction ?2007-05-15 11:32 PM
But after BSL, the XPEN is not already set ??
2007-05-16 3:08 AM
I enter in standart BSL mode P0.4=0 P0.5=1
2007-05-16 3:27 AM
But now i can read, but I read always the same value in all adress of XFLASH, whi ?