2007-05-15 5:42 AM
2007-05-15 5:20 AM
How can I enable the Xflash in this MCU? and how can I read the XFLAHS whit:
movb R0,R[1] ?? [ This message was edited by: invisigothux on 15-05-2007 18:01 ]2007-05-15 5:37 AM
Hello invisigothux,
This is by setting XPEN bit in SYSCON register and XFLASHEN bit in XPERCON register. Note: The XPERCON register MUST be written BEFORE the XPEN bit in SYSCON is SET because Register XPERCON cannot be changed after the global enabling of X-Peripherals, i.e. after setting of bit XPEN in SYSCON register. Regards, Najoua.2007-05-15 5:42 AM
In boostraps mode, i can read the flash to the first byte of XFLASH. If i try to read the Xflash like to read the iflash the MCU frezee. whi ? There are special modality to read Xflash ? After BSL secuence the Xflash is already set and enabled.Is correct ?[ This message was edited by: invisigothux on 15-05-2007 18:16 ]