2003-03-31 11:33 AM
2003-03-30 12:36 PM
Hi Forum,
I have the following problem: I try to use the ARTIMER of ST6230B for PWM generation. But after reading the databook and every application note I found I was not succesful in finding the correct parameters and settings for the timer. For example the databook specifies that the PWM frequency is determined by the clock frequency, the prescaler and the RLCP register (Tpwm=(RLCP+1) x Psc x Tclk). If I try to set it to 100kHz I calculated RLCP to 79 (Fclock=8MHz). The result was a frequency of 31,25kHz. (!?!) I feel anything is going wrong! It would be very helpful if anybody could help me with the correct settings of the ARTIMER registers (MASK, CMP, CP, RCLP, SCRx) for my PWM problem (frequency fixed 100kHz, duty variable from 10%...90%, Fclk=8MHz). Thanks in advance for your help! Regards, Leines2003-03-31 1:54 AM
You have to determine the values of following registers: rc (RLCP), cp (CMP), sc1 (SCR1) and finally mc (MASK). At the most cases you don't need to set the value of sc0.
First determine the frequency. Fpwm=Fin/(256-RLCP) Fin=fosc/prescaler To calculate the prescaler ratio use the following table:Bit 0 SC1Bit 7 SC1Bit 6 SC1Bit 5 SC1Prescaler Ratio
To become 100kHz you can choose the prescaler ratio of 2, that makes ldi SCR1, 20h (set the 5th bit). Then RLCP=256-8000/100*2=256-40=216 The duty cycle you can determine with the help of this formula: DC=(CMP-RLCP)/(256-RLCP) To start the timer in autoreload mode with output and without interrup you have to set the value of MASK to 11100000b. I hope it will help you...2003-03-31 2:30 AM
SCR1 = 60h (Prescale by 1, Reload enable) SCR2= 00h SCR3=00h SCR4=02h RLCP (High) = 00h RLCP (Low) = 4Fh MASK (High) = FFh MASK (Low) = FFh CMP (High) = 00h CMP (Low) = 00h - 4Fh for 0-100% duty To start PWM generation set bit 4 in SCR1 and bit 0 in SCR4 Works for me... Regards Bood2003-03-31 11:33 AM
Thanks, forum,
it works!!! Yipiiieee! Nice story: I recognized that I had calculated the same settings as those supplied by Bood (thanks!). Why should they work in Sweden but not in Germany? So I followed Bood's information and changed the order of my program lines to match his order. And: It worked! Small things can cause big problems... So, I assume that it is important to set the SCRx registers first and then the RLCP, CMP and MASK registers!!!!! Thanks to Mudator and Bood for their help! Leines