2005-08-09 1:40 AM
Problems with ICP programming ST72F264G2
2005-08-02 3:55 AM
When trying to program ST72F264G2 using ST7 STICK, following error occurs:
Error : Cannot communicate with the device ! Option Bytes are Disabled on the device Check the ICC cable connection and check all the needed pin connections on the ICP connector Clock is 'External source' in this ICP mode On Application, connect OSC pin from ICP connector or an Oscillator or a logic clock Have tried to program other ST7 devices without any problems (ST72F561J6 and ST7MTC2J7).2005-08-08 9:11 PM
As per the error message appearing, option bytes has been disabled. It means clock will be provided by the tool for the programming. So make sure the connection between Pin9 of the ICC connector and OSC1 pin of the micro is correct.
2005-08-09 1:40 AM
OSC 1 is connected to the ICC connector. And i have tried to connect OSC2 to ground. Stil same problem.
The ICC connector is connected as show in the application note (ST7 FLASH STICK User Manual), see attached image. ________________ Attachments : Image2.jpg : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I09u&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bUz%2FjPGn_nlvOrW91Sga8bdIgvR8i.uq8vYQCliJEtfIiZ8&asPdf=false