2009-08-18 3:21 PM
2011-05-17 2:32 AM
the code will collapse when I run the below segment in KEIL.I think It's because the cpu frequency is too high,but after i slow down,problem is still. Why? thanks
SCU_AHBPeriphClockConfig(__FMI, ENABLE); SCU_AHBPeriphReset(__FMI, DISABLE); FMI_BankRemapConfig(0x4, 0x2, 0x0, 0x80000); FMI_WriteProtectionCmd(FMI_B1S0, DISABLE); FMI_EraseSector(FMI_B1S0); FMI_Timeout_Status = FMI_WaitForLastOperation(FMI_BANK_1); //dead in here FMI_WriteHalfWord(0x80000,0xAAAA); FMI_Timeout_Status = FMI_WaitForLastOperation(FMI_BANK_1); FMI_WriteHalfWord(0x80002,0xAAAA); FMI_Timeout_Status = FMI_WaitForLastOperation(FMI_BANK_1); if(FMI_ReadWord(0x80000) == 0xAAAAAAAAUL) { LCD_SetCursor(0x42+countof(disp_ln2)); LCD_DISP_CHAR('T'); }2011-05-17 2:32 AM
Are you trying to remap the flash and/or program it while executing on the same bank? That would be a problem.