2006-03-27 10:34 PM
Problem to erase block 3 with EPC of ST10F269
2006-03-27 4:52 AM
Dear all,
I map block 0,1,2 to segment 0. I copied EPC routine ( a while loop to accept command on serial port and accordingly run various epc command)to XRAM after proper authorization, jump to xram location and i execute various EPC command from XRAM. I am able to execute various command like block erase, program wor, block temporary unprotection command for various block except for block 3. i am able to erase block 3 with ST10 flasher tool. i tried out this process on 2 chip. Can someone able to tell me what might be the problem? Regards... Yogesh2006-03-27 9:34 PM
Hello yogesh,
- Did you succeed to erase all other blocks (0, 1, 2, 4, 5 & 6)? - Did you implement a routine to wait for the erase operation to be completed as described in the AN1496? - Is your block3 erase command followed by a JMPx, CALLx or RETx instruction? because due to ST10 pipeline effect, all erasing and programming commands shall not be immediately followed by a JMPx, CALLx or RETx instruction. In this case, a NOP instruction must be inserted after the sending of the last command to the Flash Erase/program Controller. When not implemented, and when ST10 is in bootstrap mode with the code running from the XRAM (or an external memory), the TestFlash may be selected instead of the user flash (for more details, please refer to the ST10F269 erratasheet). Regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 28-03-2006 11:07 ]2006-03-27 10:34 PM
Hi Najoua.
yes. We are able to erase block 0,1,2,4,5,6 but not block 3 plz find in attachment peace of code which we are using to implement block erase command. regards... yogesh ________________ Attachments : block_erase.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Nq&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bYK%2F1f9P2XKXbe2Dih6rAmKEcPzLOco3jjxt_VhdQPIUZec&asPdf=false