2004-11-01 7:29 AM
Need this document 'STR71x Flash Programmer'
2004-04-15 7:55 PM
2004-04-17 4:38 AM
I was looking for the same document. I (and I think the OP) am looking for information on how to set up the communication to the micro and how to program the flash not a program that does that job. In my case I have an adaptor for doing serial ISP programming that I expect will work with this micro. I also expect that the program will use the serial control lines to control reset and a program mode line.
I checked your suggested document followup but it only seemed to refer to using existing software to program the micro not the steps that were required by software to perform the task. Did I miss something there? If so could you please give me a pointer to where in the document the information is? I guess that leaves a couple of questions: Where can we find documentation on how to do ISP programming over the serial port (there is documentation on how to do the first step and select the boot mode but not how to proceed after that)? When will this documentation be available? Will the serial programming software control the reset and ISP lines (to be compatible with existing HW DTR should control the reset line and RTS control the ISP line) ? Ideally , of course the serial SW should work whether the target supports automattic control of the reset and ISP lines or doesn't. Robert (BTW, anyone else find this forum overly ornate?)2004-06-03 11:46 PM
Can we have some idea when this document will be available ?
Regards sjo2004-07-23 10:44 AM
What is the status on this document and when can we expect it to be available?
2004-07-30 4:31 PM
We seem to be proceeding backwards on this one. I notice that the latest version of the reference manual has even less information on the serial boot process and no longer contains any reference to ''STR71x Flash Programmer''.
I'm beginning to think ST is intent on keeping the information private.2004-08-12 5:36 AM
Could we please have confirmation as to when and if the document will be released.
I notice on v3.0 of the datasheet it has become a ''reserved mode''. Why hide such a useful feature ?? Regards sjo2004-10-19 5:00 PM
Er, when is the bootloader going to be made available?
2004-10-29 4:13 PM
If it's not going to be available please just let us know and we'll go elsewhere.
2004-11-01 7:29 AM
Well, thanks for finally coming clean on this anyway.
Off to Philips and Analog Devices I guess.