2007-05-03 7:20 PM
2011-05-17 12:42 AM
I need project with Write to flash function (tested).
I tried to use library functions and: changed write wate states , changed PLL clk to 24 Mhz changed FMI_clk=Rclk/2 . I can not find the mistake. Please help me !!! If you have a working project please send it. Please help me !!! My stupid head can not find the mistake.2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Thank you Zouh. I saw it! I work with Keil . Keil also have library. But i need some working (simple)progect for keil to test the hardware. I think that problem in configuration. And can not understand what alse to do?
2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Thank you for help. EXAMPLE1 project is bit strange because of the addresses used are non working addresses. But this is not problem. I changed configurations . After the project start to compile i find that
there no means to check the writen address(only debuger but in my case it not work). I attached the changed by me Example project. debuger stuck here: -> 0x00000048 EAFFFFFE B 0x00000048 513: DAbtHandler B DAbtHandler Tell me please what else to do ? Also i do not understand readme attached to project. May be i am doing something wrong? With best regards, kesart2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Thank you Zouhair! Project work as expected. You changed IROM1
to 4000000 (the start address of RAM). Whed debugging from RAM it work (thank you). My EXAMPLE1 is oriented to flash and it not work. What to do? First i thought that the problem is when debuging write section of code. I thought the conflict is when debuger is trying to read while write is not finished. Please add to main() this FMI_Read_Data = *(vu32 *)0x80000; if(FMI_Read_Data == 0x11111111) ledon(); Please try this project from FLASH and answer me.