2007-05-04 8:09 PM
2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Thanks for response and link !
All voltage level translation devices, I know, have a direction pin. In my design, I have a small universal module PCB with the STR912 and some pheripheral devices around it (CAN buffer, RS485, RS232). This PCB will be plugged into different other ''motherboards'' (something alike you can find here ) The function of GPIO pins will be different from board to board. So I want to keep the bidirectional pins without having to drive a DIR pin. Pull up will not help the problem when I want to use the GPIO in push-pull mode. Regards Luc V2011-05-17 12:42 AM
Think I found it here
Kind regards Luc2011-05-17 12:42 AM
You can find it in st.com.It don't have any direction pin ST2378 i think .i don't remember exact number.But it is with ST.