2004-07-01 3:25 AM
Moving from old ST62T10 to new ST62T10C with LVD
2004-03-11 4:36 AM
Hi, I'm using ST62T10 with the same firmware program since -91 and have programmed >20000 pcs in my little ''ST62E1x Basic programmer'' since!
However now I would like to use the internal LVD instead of the Dallas reset IC I have used all years. Is it possible to enable the option bit for this with my old programmer? The software gives me no option for this but maybe possible anyway? Is it ok to program the new C version in this programmer? (I have done it for some years and it seems to work) This is all old stuff and I would prefer not to change more than absolutely necessary. Maybe I will be lazy and continue to use the Dalllas IC.2004-03-11 11:21 PM
Does your system operate a windows user interface, or through DOS? If DOS, then you will need to purchase a new programmer. I know customers who have tried to use the old kit with 'C silicon and had numerous problems. Also, I think that you will find no software to support 'C parts on that programmer. I would also be very surprised if you can still buy the old ST62T10 parts. It would be worth changing over. regards, Simon2004-03-12 2:49 AM
Ok, thanks Simon.
So I will buy a new programmer. Mikael2004-07-01 3:25 AM
Hi Simon/Mikael,
I am trying to obtain the dos software to download a hex file to the ''ST62E1x Basic programmer''. Mikael, I noticed in your email that you have been using this programmer. I am doing legacy support on some old code and currently have this ST programmer available. I have been to the ST website and tried the ''ST Windows epromer'' but it does not have support for this programer. I would really appreciate your help. Kind regards Avin [ This message was edited by: Avin on 01-07-2004 15:59 ][ This message was edited by: Avin on 01-07-2004 16:01 ]