2007-07-26 1:07 AM
Moving a design from ST10F269 to ST10F271/2/3/6
2007-02-07 12:48 AM
Hello Sir,
I wanted to know whether it is possible to use the same design and code (including code protection feature)of ST10F269 to wich of the following. ST10F271,ST10F272/ST10F273/ST10F276. -Abhay [ This message was edited by: AbhayVTayar on 07-02-2007 14:21 ]2007-02-07 1:02 AM
Hello AbhayVTayar,
Yes, it is possible and easy to port your application from the ST10F269 to the ST10F27x family devices given that they are pin out compatible(except for some pins). Please refer to the attached word document showing the pin out modifications between both devices. But both devices have different embedded flash (different technologies) so the two flash are managed in two different ways (so code protection feature is not the same). The peripherals are managed in the same way except the CAN modules because the ST10F269 provides B-CAN cells and the ST10F27x provides C-CAN cells so the CAN driver should be re-designed. ST provides a set of application notes enlightening the differences between the ST10F269 and ST10F27x family devices and the software and hardware impacts. They have not yet been published on internet. Please contact your ST local sales to get them. I hope this helps, Best regards, Najoua. [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 07-02-2007 14:37 ] [ This message was edited by: Najoua on 07-02-2007 14:42 ] ________________ Attachments : pin_out_differences.doc : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Oo&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bYT%2FyRdPpmX0ao.vR7Gz8ZWH9eUOYVaK.zoSs0Oi4vZWsKQ&asPdf=false2007-04-18 11:34 AM
Is there a porting guide to convert B-CAN drivers to the new C-CAN peripheral? We are porting from ST10F269 to ST10F276 and this appears to be the most elaborate of the changes required.
Thanks, Rick Pearson2007-04-18 11:58 AM
OK, here is the project file and all its bits... It is a Keil uVision 2 project file. Excuse it being a bit messy, it is my test/debug project file...
The output of the program in the simulator is: This is my super long string to make the send funtion send it in small parts as the buffer can handle it. The intention is to send a large string without requiring a massive tx buffer! The output in hyperterminal is (6k 8/1 no parity): This is my suter long string to ma e uhe send funtion s ndait in small partseass the buffer can haidls it. The intentirn as to send a largegstiing without requi!ine a massive tx bufferi ________________ Attachments : ST10.zip : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0Oj&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bYS%2F4usV3pwMSY7V4BFuGJz1OO8eE_Tf4oCwRvbF8JxcSCk&asPdf=false2007-07-26 1:07 AM
Hello to all,
I´m also searching for a application note to port the CAN-code from ST10F269 (B-CAN) to ST10F272 (C-CAN). Is there any documentation available? Thanks. Stefan Müller