2004-11-08 12:19 AM
2004-11-07 8:04 PM
Hello All,
I encountered a difficulty to use the MCO function. I set the option bytes to RC oscilator, PLL ON, PLLX8 and set the MCO bit in the MCCSR (MCCSR |= 0x02 , BUT no clock is out!!! Please Advise..... Thanks in advance2004-11-07 11:30 PM
Hi Moshealb,
if you do define the port PA6 neither as output with push pull nor as open collector with external pullup you might get this problem. I didn't try it but think it can be the reason. Best regards, WoRo2004-11-08 12:19 AM
Dear WoRo,
the advice was helpfull, but now I encountered another problem: the board is working with the inDart connected but when I leave the Metrowerks enviroment and Power up, the MCU stop working. the option bytes are defined as follow: -write protection = off -read-out protection = off -sector 0 = 1K -No reset in halt -watchdog = software -LVD = OFF (with Power up Reset device + Open collector +pullup) (I also tried ''LVD = lowest voltage'' with no Reset device) -RC Osc. = ON -PLL = Enabled -PLL X8 what could possiably be the resone for this problem? Thanks Again....