2019-09-09 3:14 AM
Hello ST,
I can't find any information for the correct package marking (part marking) of eeprom M95128-DRDW8TP/K.
Data Sheet for this device not includes information about package marking specification.
On the ST site for this device also has no information about marking.
Thanks for Your help.
2019-09-09 5:08 AM
(See picture attached)
The "AAAAA" field (5 characters) contains the truncated commercial product name.
The "P" field (1 character) contains the last character of the assembly plant identifier ("PP").
The "Y" field (1 character) contains the last digit of the year of manufacture.
The "WW" field (2 characters) contains the assembly week code.
The dot (°) indicates the location of pin 1.
Team EEPROM suPPort
2019-09-09 5:47 AM
Thanks for your quick reply.
Is the 528R8 marking will be correct for this device?
2019-09-09 5:54 AM
Please check your email.
For this kind of request, I suggest you either contact your local sales office, or FAE, or submit an online support request via the web site.
2019-09-09 3:12 PM
this is correct