2023-04-03 12:45 AM
Hello everyone,
It is not clear on M24C16 datasheet, the meaning of A10, A9, A8 (see figure) about chip enable address.
My question is, which is the I2C address for this device?
Is it possible to use two of this devices on the same I2C bus?
Thanks, Paolo
2023-04-03 2:57 AM
16Kbit (0x7FF) are coded on 11 address bits.
I confirm: not possible to connect 2 of this 16Kb device on the same I2C bus.
2023-04-03 3:30 AM
Hi Pierre,
thank you for your fast reply. I understand now, so if I want to sostituite an old I2C eeprom, that has I2C address set to 0,0,0 (pins A0, A1, A2), this one (M24C16-RMN6P) is not the right choose.
Thanks, Paolo.
2023-04-03 7:13 AM
Ok Pierre,
in practice I must to replace this device X24C16S8I because it is obsolete. In figure you can see how is connected on the board:
Is there a eeprom that can replace this, with the same features?
I had identified the M24C16-RMN6P but it doesn't seem to go well....
Thanks for your help.
2023-04-04 7:55 AM
Hi Paolo,
The M24C16 can be mounted.
See my comments by messages.
2023-04-04 8:44 AM
There are other I2C EEPROM's, can you change your firmware to accommodate them?
How much of the memory is the current firmware using? 256 bytes or 2048 bytes?
2023-04-04 9:01 AM
Hi guy,
unfortunately I don't have the firmware. The board is old and the only things that I can do is replace obsolete components with similar ones.
Thank you for your interest.
2023-04-04 10:05 AM
At that level of engineering probably only practically identical ones.
From 20 years ago, probably lack of source, or build environment is not unusual.
If you have the binary or hex files you can likely disassemble them, or patch them to accommodate. If it's an important product, perhaps time for a design spin.
The M24C16 doesn't look like a bad fit. Perhaps look at similar from Atmel, Catalyst, etc.