2007-03-26 1:26 AM
Low power operation and wakeup interrupts
2011-05-17 12:40 AM
I have two questions corresponding to wake-up interrupts and low power operation. Sequence of steps in my application are as follows: 1. Processor sets an alarm to trigger an interrupt. 2. SCU_EnterSleepMode() is issued to enter sleep mode. 3. The processor has to wakeup when either the RTC alarm fires an interrupt or an I/O pin (configured to generate interrupt) interrupt occurs. Question 1: The moment SCU_EnterSleepMode() is issued, ULINK2 loses control over the processor (all the peripheral clocks are turned off). Is there a way of getting around (by calling a function) to leave all the peripheral clocks on inspite of entering sleep mode to allow ULINK2 to have control over the processor? I use the following procedure to erase the flash: http://www.keil.com/support/docs/3215.htm Question 2: Do I need to specifically configure the RTC interrupt to be a wakeup interrupt(by calling a function) or does the processor wakeup from sleep automatically after it receives an RTC interrupt? Thanks in advance. Regards, Vasisht.2011-05-17 12:40 AM
Hi Vasisht,
Please find attached a working example under IAR debbuger using an RTC alarm interrupt to wake up from sleep mode. In fact, to enter to sleep mode P9.2 must be set. After 10 seconds, the processor switchs to normal run mode and P9.0 start toggling. With best regards, mirou [ This message was edited by: mirou on 26-03-2007 08:33 ]2011-05-17 12:40 AM
Thank you mirou.
Regards, Vasisht.