2014-03-11 5:29 AM
Might be a silly question, but I want to know how can we get an idea of display pixel resolution when the specs say the lcd controller capability is 40*8 segments or so? Regards, Harsha #lcd #controller #resolution2014-03-12 1:34 PM
You need to be careful here, LCD can means something other than a pixel addressable panel, when it dealing with elements it's probably an
, like on a watch, thermostat. For graphics you probably want a pixel addressable panel, with an LCD controller, and screen buffer, and which attaches on a 8/16-bit external memory bus (EBI/FSMC) There are also text/character based displays what might have 5x7 fonts, and 20x4 or 16x2 character displays, these typically use a 4/8-bit data interface and address line for control/data, and can be interfaced to micro-controllers via some GPIO