2004-05-03 3:11 AM
2004-04-28 3:13 AM
Hi everybody,
here is a problem, I try to use the LT timer (ST7FLITE09) . Everything is OK if the Watchdog is switched off, but with the WDG enabled (and cyclically resetting it in the main loop) the following occurs: - every 33ms there was a missing LTtimer interrupt - by switching off the WDG the problem was gone - switching on the ARTimer changes the extint, that it looks like low level Does this controller not work with this conditions? Thanks, Metabo_ms2004-04-29 1:16 AM
The problem is when you are refreshing the watchdog by setting the WDGD bit (i.e delay the watchdog reset) , you are clearing the TBIE interrupt enable bit. Use the instruction LTCSR = 0x13 to refresh the watchdog timer.
2004-04-29 4:30 AM
Hello Jatin,
thanks for the answer, but sorry nothing changed in the programm!?!?!? The attached programm shows a - LTtimer with interrupt request - ART Timer with interrupt request - External interrupt ei0 The processor doesn't work well, It always reset, no LT Timer interrupt external interrupts during the complete low level time no ART Timer interrupt Is it the processor? Thanks for answering, Metabo_ms The attachment doesn't work, sorry: include include ''lib_bits.h'' define sim() _asm(''sim'') //Set interrupt mask define rim() _asm(''rim'') //Reset interrupt mask @interrupt void lt_ovf(void) { unsigned int a; SetBit(PADR,5); a=LTCSR; // reset TBF a=LTICR; // reset ICF-Bit ClrBit(PADR,5); } @interrupt void ext_0(void) { SetBit(PADR,7); ClrBit(PADR,7); }// ir ext_0 @interrupt void at_ovf(void) { unsigned char a; SetBit(PBDR,2); a=ATCSR; // reset ART OVF Flags ClrBit(PBDR,2); }// at_ovf void main(void) { unsigned char i; _asm(''ld A,0xFFDE''); // Definition der Pointerszm Memory Lage _asm(''ld 0x39,A''); // fuer die RC calibrierung //Portinit PADDR=0xFE; // PORTA: bits 0..6 (output=1)/ 7 Input PAOR=0xFE; // PushPull--> PA7 -Floating-see Extinit! PADR=0x00; // Outputs 0 PBDDR=0x1F; // Port B: bits 0..2 (input=0) PBOR=0x1F; // Pullup PBDR=0x00; // Outputs 0 // Timerinit i=LTICR; // Reading LTICR i=LTCSR; // Reading LTCSR ClrBit(LTCSR,2); // WDG Reset Status Flag LTCSR=0x12; // (2ms@8MHz), int aktiv/WDG enable // Autoreload Timerinitialisierung i=ATCSR; // reading ATCSR ATCSR=0x12; // Counter Clock=fcpu/ OVF Int enable ATRH=0x0B; // Counter value of the Reload Registers ATRL=0x1E; // (60us-0E8F)(120us-0D40)(180us-0C56)(156us-0C6E) ClrBit(PWM0CSR,0); // Upcounter val. doesnt match DCR val ClrBit(PWMCR,0); // PWM0 output enabled // External Interruptinit sim(); // disable interrupts EICR=0x03; // ei0-->neg & pos edge (PA0) rim(); // enable interrupts SetBit(PAOR,0); // ExtInt0 enable (pushpull) SetBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting ClrBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting SetBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting ClrBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting SetBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting ClrBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting SetBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting ClrBit(PBDR,0); // Indicate booting for(; // Neverending loop { SetBit(PADR,1); // control on LTCSR=0x13; // Refresh the Watchdog Timer ClrBit(PADR,1); // control off }//for }//main /*Outputs************************ PA0 --> Input for extint0 i.e. square waveform PA1 --> High during the neverending forloop PA5 --> LT-Timer Interrupt is running PA7 --> Extintroutine is running PB0 --> Indicate booting pin PB2 --> ART-Timer interrupt is running */ [ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von : metabo_ms on 29-04-2004 17:04 ]2004-05-03 3:11 AM
Hey all,
I found the solution myself! My linkfile had a mistake! Now it works. Thanks[ Diese Nachricht wurde editiert von : metabo_ms on 04-05-2004 08:44 ]