2004-10-15 10:00 AM
Interrupt for st72f651..please!!!
2004-10-13 4:29 PM
Please Help me~~ I use the hiware and want the External interrupt(PortD.7). My source is.... void InitST7(void) { asm SIM; // PortD Initialize // 0 ~ 7 : Input/Interrupt // 0 ~ 2 : Output, 3 ~ 7 : Input/Interrupt // 5 : Output PDDR = 0x20; PDDDR = 0x27; PDOR = 0xff; // Power Control PCR = 0x00; // Interrupt Priority ITSPR0 = 0xff; ITSPR1 = 0xef; // PortD int enable ITSPR2 = 0xff; ITSPR3 = 0xff; MISCR1 = 0x51; // IS11: 0, IS10: 1 => EINT_PA Sensitivity : Falling edge only // IS21: 1, IS20: 0 => EINT_PD Sensitivity : Falling edge only MISCR2 = 0x1e; // 0 : on, 1 : off , PWM ON MISCR3 = 0x09; // PWM0 Enable // IS31: 1, I asm RIM // Enable Interrupt } ISR is.... pragma TRAP_PROC //SAVE_REGS extern void ISR6_EINTPortD(void) { PDOR &= 0x3f; if(PADR & 0x01) { PADR = 0xff; PADR = 0x00; } PDOR |= 0xc0; } but... Not used the interrupt. show the Init_st7().... asm RIM // Enable Interrupt if the RIM command running, die the machine. why!!! please!!! [ This message was edited by: sangjina on 14-10-2004 05:00 ]2004-10-14 6:56 PM
YOu have not specified if the micro goes into the interrupt.
What I read from the Interrupt chapter is that – Level 0 can not be written (I1_x=1, I0_x=0). In this case, the previously stored value is kept. (ex-ample: previous=CFh, write=64h, result=44h) Can you pls comment writing into the ISPRx registers and let us know the behaviour ?2004-10-15 10:00 AM
thank you!!
my mistake!!! I'm sorry~~; I modified.... ITSPR0 = 0xff; ITSPR1 = 0xcf; // PortD int enable ITSPR2 = 0xfc; // Timer Interrupt Enable ITSPR3 = 0xff; but, the Machine cann't go into the Interrupt Service Routine. please!!! show the source. ---> ST7 Initialize void InitST7(void) { asm SIM; // PortA // 0 ~ 3 : Input/floating/Interrupt, 4 ~ 5 : Input, 6 ~ 7 : Output/PushPull PADR = 0x00; PADDR = 0xc0; PAOR = 0xcf; // PortB // 0 ~ 7 : Output/PushPull PBDR = 0xff; PBDDR = 0xff; // PortC // 0, 2, 3 : Output/Pushpull, 1, 4 ~ 7 : Input/floating PCDR = 0x0d; PCDDR = 0x0d; PCOR = 0xf2; // PortD // 0 ~ 2, 5 : Output/Opendrain, 3, 4, 6, 7 : Input/Interrupt/floating PDDR = 0x00; PDDDR = 0x27; PDOR = 0xd8; // PortE // 0 ~ 2 : Input, 3 : PWM, 4 ~ 7 : Output/Pushpull(only 4) PEDR = 0x00; PEDR &= 0x0f; PEDDR = 0xf8; PEOR = 0x10; // PortF // 0 ~ 1 : Output/Opendrain, 3 : ADC, 4 : Not Used, 5,6 : ICC PFDR = 0x03; PFDDR = 0x03; MISCR1 = 0x90; // IS11: 1, IS10: 1 => EINT_PA Sensitivity : Falling edge only // IS21: 1, IS20: 0 => EINT_PD Sensitivity : Falling edge only MISCR2 = 0x1c; // PWM, TIMER ON MISCR3 = 0x09; // WDGHALT : 0 // PWM0 : 1 // PWM1 : 0 // IS31: 1, IS30: 0 => EINT_PC Sensitivity : Falling edge only // ADC //ADCDR = ; // AD Value ADCCSR = 0x00; // AIN0 // Watchdog WDGCR = 0x00; // Disabled // Power Control PCR = 0x02; // PLGIE: 0 Single supply mode, PLG int disable // DETEN: 1 The USB voltage detector disable // SPI SPICSR = 0x01; // 7. SPIF // 6. WCOL // 5. OVR // 4. MODF // 2. SOD : 0, SPI Output Enable // 1. SSM : 0, // 0. SSI : 1, //SPICR = 0x34; SPICR = 0x1c; // 7. SPIE : 0, Interrupt disable // 6. SPE : 1, SPI I/O?enable // 5. SPR2 : 0, // 4. MSTR : 1, Master // 3. CPOL : 1, // 2. CPHA : 1, // 1. SPR1 : 0 // 0. SPR0 : 0, Fcpu/4 SPIDR = 0x00; // // DTC //DTCCR = ; //DTCSR = ; //DTCPR = ; // Timer TCR1 = 0x20; // TOIE : Timer OverFlag Interrupt Enable TCR2 = 0x00; // Clock Control : Fcpu/4 //ReadOnly //TSR = ; //CHR = ; //CLR = ; //ACHR = ; //ACLR = ; OC1HR = 0x00; OC1LR = 0x00; OC2HR = 0x00; OC2LR = 0x00; // Interrupt Priority //ITSPR0 = 0xcf; // EINT_PA ITSPR0 = 0xff; ITSPR1 = 0xcf; // PortD int enable ITSPR2 = 0xfc; // Timer Interrupt Enable ITSPR3 = 0xff; // USB //USBISTR = ; //USBIMR = ; //USBCTLR = ; //DADDR = ; //USBSR = ; //EP0R = ; //CNT0RXR = ; //CNT0TXR = ; //EP1RXR = ; //CNT1RXR = ; //EP1TXR = ; //CNT1TXR = ; //EP2RXR = ; //CNT2RXR = ; //EP2TXR = ; //CNT2TXR = ; //BUFCSR = ; // I2C //I2CCR = ; //I2CSR1 = ; //I2CSR2 = ; //I2CCCR = ; //I2CDR = ; // PWM PWM0 = 0x88; BRM10 = 0x08; PWM1 = 0x00; //PBDR = 0x00; //PEDR = 0x00; asm RIM; ----> OK!!!! } ---> isr.h #pragma TRAP_PROC SAVE_REGS extern void ISR6_EINTPortD(void); ---> isr.c /********************************************************* ROUTINE NAME : External Interrupt Port D DESCRIPTION : COMMENTS : *********************************************************/ #pragma TRAP_PROC SAVE_REGS void ISR6_EINTPortD(void) { // asm PUSH CC; PBDR = ~PBDR; // asm POP CC; } Please!!! know you the point at issue to me!!! thankyou.[ This message was edited by: sangjina on 18-10-2004 02:33 ]