2005-07-14 3:59 AM
2005-07-09 1:21 AM
Iam using STVD7 with indart STX. But when using the PB6 as ''PWM0'' the indart fails to communicate with the target board. this pin is used as ICCDATA for indat communication Is there any solution?!!! Salam Hossam [ This message was edited by: Alzomor on 09-07-2005 13:52 ]2005-07-14 3:59 AM
I'm not sure about using an alternate function (output I'm guessing) in conjunction with an ICC interface.
Every time I've had to share a pin with ICC, it has been used as an input to the MCU. When I use the Indart-STX with my boards (last was ST72F264) as an input, I connect the ICC directly to the MCU, then the application circuit is attached through a resistor (4.7K I think). This was recommended by my data sheet as an isolation technique. I've noticed that these inputs always read as high when connected to the programming tool. The data sheet does say that no isolation is necessary when these pins are used as outputs, but it also says that the ICCCLK and ICCDATA pins cannot be used by the application when the programming tool is connected. I'm not sure then why connection/configuration as indicated would cause problems with communication since the programming tool should take precedence. Maybe its something about the alternate function nature of PWM0?