2004-12-26 5:10 PM
I have a question about the COSMIC C complier
2004-12-23 2:26 PM
I have a question about the COSMIC C complier. When I use PA7^=1 and PA7=PA7^1,the disassembly is different. The meaning that I think the two is the same. But I don't understand why different ?? The following is my code ...and thanks.Quote:
main.c:42 PA7^=1; 0x8083 0x0F0004 BTJF 0x00,#7,0x808a BTJF 0x00,#7,0x808a 0x8086 0x1E00 BSET 0x00,#7 BSET 0x00,#7 0x8088 0x2002 JRT 0x808c JRT 0x808c 0x808a 0x1F00 BRES 0x00,#7 BRES 0x00,#7 main.c:41 PA7=PA7^1; 0x8083 0x4F CLR A CLR A 0x8084 0x0F0000 BTJF 0x00,#7,0x8087 BTJF 0x00,#7,0x8087 0x8087 0x49 RLC A RLC A 0x8088 0xA801 XOR A,#0x01 XOR A,#0x01 0x808a 0x2602 JRNE 0x808e JRNE 0x808e 0x808c 0x2004 JRT 0x8092 JRT 0x8092 0x808e 0x1E00 BSET 0x00,#7 BSET 0x00,#7 0x8090 0x2002 JRT 0x8094 JRT 0x8094 0x8092 0x1F00 BRES 0x00,#7 BRES 0x00,#7 :-W2004-12-23 9:42 PM
how do you define PA7 and what version are you using? The answer to your question is probably When assigning an expression to a _Bool variable, the compiler compares the expression against zero and assigns the boolean result to the boolean variable. See page 53 of the user manual for more details. If, as I guess, you are trying to toggle a pin of PortA, your best option (smaller code) is to address the whole port at once, as shown in the exaple below: [code] _Boolmailto:PA7@PADR:7
; ; 38 PADR^=1; (6 bytes only) 000e b600 ld a,_PADR 0010 a801 xor a,#1 0012 b700 ld _PADR,a ; 40 PA7^=1; 0014 0e0004 btjt _PA7,L6 0017 1e00 bset _PA7 0019 2002 jra L01 001b L6: 001b 1f00 bres _PA7 001d L01: ; 42 PA7=~PA7; 001d 0e0004 btjt _PA7,L21 0020 1e00 bset _PA7 0022 2002 jra L41 0024 L21: 0024 1f00 bres _PA7 0026 L41: ; 44 PADR=PADR^1; 0026 b600 ld a,_PADR 0028 a801 xor a,#1 002a b700 ld _PADR,a ; 46 PA7=PA7^1; (wrong, don't do it) 002c 4f clr a btst _PA7 0030 49 rlc a 0031 a801 xor a,#1 0033 2704 jreq L61 0035 1e00 bset _PA7 0037 2002 jra L02 0039 L61: 0039 1f00 bres _PA7 003b L02: [/code] Regards, Luca (Cosmic)2004-12-26 5:08 PM
2004-12-26 5:09 PM
Hi everybody,
I can't post the question in the forum. So I write my question in the attachments. And thanks again. :) [ This message was edited by: hongluo on 30-12-2004 03:49 ] ________________ Attachments : Question.txt : https://st--c.eu10.content.force.com/sfc/dist/version/download/?oid=00Db0000000YtG6&ids=0680X000006I0F3&d=%2Fa%2F0X0000000bVv%2FAxXij1IHK7fzpf.7xoYq_Igr42Sunl4aZ2oiLdu_c_0&asPdf=false2004-12-26 5:10 PM