2022-03-31 10:16 PM
2022-04-01 12:58 AM
Welcome, @GPand.3, to the community!
I moved the thread to Discontinued Products, since the ST10R167 has been discontinued a long time ago.
About your question: the ST10R167 doesn't have a JTAG port, so you can't plug a JTAG debugger into it.
If the problem is resolved, please mark this topic as answered by selecting Select as best. This will help other users find that answer faster.
2022-04-01 1:32 AM
Yes it's discontinued, but is' for our existing board, where is the programming PIN's.
2022-04-01 1:42 AM
The ST10R167 also has no programmable memory, so there is no point in connecting a programmer.
2022-04-01 1:47 AM
Yes memory, so If we connect an external Flash Memory then?
2022-04-01 1:47 AM
Yes no programmable memory, so If we connect an external Flash Memory then?
2022-04-01 2:16 AM
Well, you wrote that this is an existing board, so there must already be memory?
External flash is already a challenge because you will hardly find any flash with 5V supply voltage. But if you connect one, you'll either have to program it externally or use a program you wrote yourself for the MCU via one of the communication ports.
2022-04-01 4:45 AM
So guessing all the engineers responsible for this product work some place else now? That's unfortunate, will any of them contract support?
Did you buy flash parts preprogrammed? Program parts you provided to the PCBA? Some kind of header or bed-of-nails fixture to program in production?
2023-05-02 9:20 AM - edited 2023-11-20 8:42 AM
st10r167 has 32kB internal ROMIt can be programed by TXD and RXD, st10 flasher tools