2020-04-02 10:31 PM
I am trying to communicate M24C32-R with master but for some reason i could not able to !! It appears to me it might be hardware issue.
I have connected E0,E1,E2 to ground , Vcc to 3.3V,
WC to ground,
I have pulled up SCL and SDA to 3.3V with 10K ohm resistor.
can some one please tell me if i did wrong any where in hardware???
2020-04-03 2:54 AM
1) How about /HOLD ?
2) Do you have an Ack / Noack on the first opcode 1010 000 R/W ?
Team EEPROM suPPort
2020-04-03 4:53 AM
1) there is no response from eeprom !!
no ack
Does SCL has to be pulled low to ground ? instead of pulling up ,
In AN2014, page 28, scl is pulled to ground
2020-04-03 5:15 AM
pull-up is correct for I2C.
Do you have an oscilloscope or a simple logic analyzer?
Does the partner generate the clock signals correct?
Does another i2c eprom work?
Kind regards
2020-04-05 12:21 AM
because of current situation in the world ! i do not have oscilliscope !!
2020-04-06 12:44 AM
without an oscilloscope or a logic analyzer it is hard to investigate.
What chip is at the other end of the I2C? How many slaves are connected to the I2C bus?
How high is your clockrate of the bus? 400kHz?
Kind regards