2007-12-11 7:32 AM
How to disable LVD? Seems impossible with CAPS, firmware method is suspect
2011-05-17 12:48 AM
The flash programming manual documents 3 bits for configuring the LVD, but I only see one checkbutton in CAPS.
The 3 bits are LVD_WNG_SEL (bit 3) (enable warning interrupt for 3.3 rail) LVD_RST_SEL (bit 2) (enable reset for 3.3 rail) LVD_TH (bit 1) (toggle 2.4 or 2.7 v threshold) at JTAG address 0x520006. CAPS only has an option for LVD_TH. We have an external voltage supervisor, and I am sure that there is a hardware bug with the internal LVD, so I am trying to turn it off. I'm also trying to disable it with firmware, using the FMI_Config() command in the 91x library, but it does weird things... It appears to be setting a reserved bit to zero (bit 13), so I am worried that is changing an undocumented feature. Using the RSIG command to read the flash configuration, I find that it is equal to 0x24CF before I issue this command: FMI_Config(FMI_READ_WAIT_STATE_1, FMI_WRITE_WAIT_STATE_1, FMI_PWD_ENABLE, FMI_LVD_DISABLE, FMI_FREQ_LOW); Afterwards, it is equal to 0x06CF, when I was expecting 0x26CF. I'm worried about the 0x2000 bit mask going to zero. What is this for?