2023-10-29 11:45 AM
I am applying the circuit in the picture I uploaded and when I touch the pin with my hand or touch it with a metal piece, the external break pin is triggered spontaneously. Please help me.
2023-10-29 12:59 PM
What's the question here?
2023-10-29 1:02 PM
How can I solve this problem?
2023-10-29 1:18 PM
Touch what, where?
You touch the input side of the H11L1 part? It triggers the STM32F1 side EXTI? Is a pulse visible on the PA0, say triggering a scope or logic analyzer?
2023-10-29 1:25 PM
When I touch the H11L1 output pin or pa0 pin with a pointed metal, the exti is triggered.
2023-10-29 1:38 PM
How well are the H11L1 and STM32F103 grounds bonded? Is this a PCB or proto-board?
2023-10-29 1:55 PM
I am using the STM32F103C8T6 Blue Pill board and I am feeding H11L1 through the 3.3V and GND pins on the board. I am also feeding the board through the 5V pin on the board. I think the ground is OK.
2023-10-29 5:46 PM
If you use a blue pill, I assume that you use a protoboard or dupont cables.
In the two cases, there is a high risk of bad connections, and it seems that resistor R1 or ground has a problem on its connections, leaving PA0-WKUP on an indeterminate state.
The schematic seems ok
2023-10-30 1:22 AM