2006-09-28 9:52 PM
2006-09-25 9:41 PM
I have an external adc which toggles a pin when conversion is ready. this pin is connected to p1.11 of a STR710FZ2. I would like an interrupt to be generated when the pin toggles low but it doesn't seem to work. Any suggestions why?! here is my codeCode:
/***************************************************/ /* INIT ROUTINE /***************************************************/ config_gpio_port(PORT_1, 0x0001 << EXAD_DREADY, GPIO_INPUT_PP ); XTI->MRH = 0x00; XTI->MRL = 0x40; XTI->TRH = 0x00; XTI->TRL = 0x00; config_irq_channel_priority(IRQ_CHANNEL_XTI, IRQ_PRIORITY_XTI); EIC->IER |= 0x00000020; XTI->CTRL = 0x00; XTI->CTRL = 0x02; /***************************************************/ void xti_isr(void) __arm /***************************************************/ { uint16 line_value; line_value = XTI_InterruptLineValue(); XTI_PendingBitClear(line_value); if(line_value == XTI_Line6) { external_adc_interrupt(); } }2006-09-28 7:54 PM
is there nobody who knows what I'm doing wrong here?!
2006-09-28 9:46 PM
Could you tell me which tool-set and which board you use to develop your application? Do you load you project in FLASH or RAM, What is the boot pin setting? BOOTCR 16bit register allows you to know which memory is mapped to address 0, BOOTCR address is 0xA0000050 0xXXX0 -> FLASH 0xXXX2 -> RAM 0xXXX3 -> EMI bank0 regards, Hich2006-09-28 9:52 PM
I'm using the MCBSTR7 evaluation board with a STR710FZ2 uC and uVision 3 from Keil as IDE.
I load the code into flash. The pin BOOT_EN is connected to ground so boot0 and boot1 have no effect. Do you need any more information?