2003-07-08 7:06 AM
2011-05-17 2:54 AM
Hello !
I'm using the DK3200 starter kit and i want to interface a LCD Module on the A/D bus with PD2 as External Chip Select. I've selected the LCD adress at 4000 and the equation for pd2 is : PORTD EQUATIONS : ======================= !cs_bigLCD = !a15 & a14 & !a13 & !a12 & !a11; cs_bigLCD.OE = 1; In my soft i just write in xdata 4000 a such data code. The problem is that the signal on the pd2 pin is never low !!!! Is there somebody who know what it's like that ?? thanks2011-05-17 2:54 AM
In the PSDsoft Express, did you setup the correct address range and qualifiers for LCD_E? Also you need to setup the correct address for ''psel '' which will allow uPSD run as ''data bus repeater'' during the given address range. Please take a look at page 4 and 5 of AN1560 and also the first design example for the DK3200 eval kit (DK3200_1).