2005-07-11 8:59 AM
2005-07-11 8:59 AM
Hello everyone,
Platform - ARMSTR7. I have 4 Isochronous endpoints for 4 different audio channels. The Isochronous endpoints are setup as Double Buffered. I had a question about the DTOG. I am able to move the data IN and OUT of the endpoints without any problem if I handle the data the respective endpoint interrupt routine. So for 4 endpoints, I need to have 4 interrupt routines. The DTOG bit is set properly. This process is very inefficient for me. I would like to move the data from all the 4 endpoints at one shot. I want to have one ISR for USB Start of Frame (SOF) and move data from all the 4 endpoints. I tried. This did not work. The DTOG does not seem to be set properly. Please let me know if this is possible and how. Any suggestion is welcome. Thank you, Harish