2005-07-11 9:54 PM
2005-07-11 8:49 PM
Hi all,
I'm just studing LPWFI mode and, particularly, my job is to analyze startup time (the time spent to come back from LPWFI mode to NORMAL MODE ... if I understand correctly!). Could you give me how can I do it? Please, HELP MEEEE !!! :-[ :-[ :-[ Thanks in advance. L.2005-07-11 9:32 PM
Hi lucky74,
To come back from LPWFI mode to NORMAL MODE you need just the time used by the interupt event that you select to wake-up the system . Cheers, Hich ;)2005-07-11 9:54 PM
Thanks Hich!
But how could I measure this time? Another doubt: this time includes also Flash wake-up time? Thanks 1000, L.