2004-11-04 11:08 AM
2011-05-17 3:03 AM
Hi, there,
Did anyone tried to use the DDC feature in the uPSD32xx yet? I have tried, with no success. (a)Is there a step-by-step procedure to initialize it? (b)As far as I could understand in the datasheet, if you set SWENB(DDCCON) as 0, the microcontroller would take care of everything, is it correct? (c)I tried to load the DDC RAM by setting SWENB(DDCCON)=1, DDC1EN(DDCCON)=0, DDCADR=0 and then writing to the register RAMBUF each of the 128 bytes I have. When I read the RAMBUF register back, I only get 0xFFs. Is it a wrong way to load the DDC RAM? (d)The documentation seems confusing to me about how the DDC and I2C interact with one another. How does the DDC2b work with SWENB=0, do I have to configure anything else, or treat I2C interrupts? (e)If SWENB=1, do I have to program the DDC2b as if I was programming a ''normal'' I2C interface, as posted in the application note? I didn't understand there why the document refers to registers S1CON, S1STAT, ... though apparently the bus in question was the second I2C. Thanks, Fuji.