2003-09-01 8:57 PM
2003-08-28 2:14 AM
HI there,
has anyone developed encode/decode algoritms to compress/expand ASCII strings and/or graphic data bytes to reduce flash look-up tables dimensions ? I'm working around a project which use a 64x128 graphic LCD, so You can understand the problem. sixtus2003-08-31 9:00 PM
2003-08-31 9:28 PM
Hi coordinator,
beautiful, concise, extremely clear answer, I appreciate the attention, but it was not that my question ! Evidently you don't have used Your ''lateral mind''. My direct question is : is there anybody which could provide me the ''C'' or assembler sources ? Thanks for Your attention.2003-08-31 11:48 PM
probably the simplest to implement in a 8bit micro is RLE compression.
There are numerous C examples on the net which could be easilt adapted to the ST7. Hope this helps SJO2003-09-01 8:57 PM
Yes SJO, thanks.
Waiting to any answer from the forum people, I have already implemented an RLE encode/decode algorithm. Respecting a B/W image of 1024 bytes ( LCD 64x128 ), I have gained a compression of about 42%. As regards the of Shannon entropic limit, I am fairly satisfied. Sixtus [ Questo Messaggio è stato Modificato da: sixtus il 02-09-2003 09:29 ][ Questo Messaggio è stato Modificato da: sixtus il 02-09-2003 09:29 ]