2006-01-09 3:41 PM
Can P0.15 / WAKEUP Pin be used as output?
2006-01-09 2:17 AM
Hi there!
I could not find ANY restrictions in the manuals regarding P0.15 (= WAKEUP) not to be used as an output, but when setting GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x8000, GPIO_OUT_PP); GPIO0->PD |= 0x8000; nothing happens. Is there any idea how to use that pin as an output? I'm rather sure I did not make something wrong as GPIO_Config(GPIO0, 0x4000, GPIO_OUT_PP); GPIO0->PD |= 0x4000; works as expected and sets the P0.14 port to high. Regards Herbert Demmel2006-01-09 2:27 AM
As the STR71x datasheet (page 22/50 Rev 7.) Table 6. STR711/STR712/STR715 Pin Description P0.15 is only an input pin (type : I). Regards, Hich :D2006-01-09 2:31 AM
sh ..., I simply overlooked the entry in the ''Type'' column :(
This pins seems to be the very only I/O which does not work as an output as well, so I have to redesign my board now ... thanks for the info. Regards Herbert2006-01-09 3:41 PM